You know that whole thing when someone says, “A friend of a friend of mine said such-and-such?” Well, if you are suffering from thinning hair and hair loss, you’ll have friends who swear by PRP, and other friends who swear by hair transplantation. But those “friends” aren’t necessarily MD’s like Dr. Miguel Canales.
He is director of Silicon Valley Hair Institute in Foster City and is an expert in hair transplantation and hair restoration. Formerly, for ten years he was the Medical Director of Restoration Robotics, the company which produces the ARTAS robot for hair transplantation, and he led the team which invented it. Dr. Canales has been around the world teaching other hair transplant surgeons how to use it. He is at the forefront of hair restoration globally.
Not only does Dr. Canales use the ARTAS robot himself, but he is also up to date with the latest alternative treatments for hair loss, one of which is PRP therapy. There are other possibilities as well, such as medication. If you are suffering from thinning hair, Dr. Canales can evaluate your particular situation and advise on PRP vs. a hair transplant. Some patients would be better off with PRP while others would be more suitable for a transplant. Fortunately, Dr. Canales can provide whichever is most suitable for you – PRP vs. a hair transplant.
Created From The Patient’s Own Blood
PRP stands for Platelet-Rich Plasma and it is a product created from the patient’s own blood. A sample is taken and spun in a centrifuge which separates the liquids from the solids in the blood, the solids being platelets. These then have platelet activators added to them. PRP contains up to five times as many platelets as the original blood taken from your body. The PRP is then injected into balding areas in your scalp and encourages hairs to grow. Some effects can begin to be seen in as little as two months.
PRP treatment does need to be carried out at intervals, and Dr. Canales will apply the second and third treatments at four-week intervals after the initial session. The procedure only takes about an hour. The best and most suitable candidates for PRP treatment are those who have thinning hair but do not yet have completely bald patches.
If you are suffering from thinning hair and the embarrassment that many people feel as a result, Dr. Canales does offer all patients a free consult. If you would like to know which procedure is the best for you – PRP vs. a hair transplant – just click on the Free Consult link at the top of the page to make an appointment with no obligation.