It Is Now the 21st Century, and We Have Some New Answers for Hair Loss

If there is one thing for certain in this world, it is that we all get one day older every day. When we are children, that is good, because we grow bigger and stronger and – hopefully – more intelligent. However, in later life, it can affect us in different ways, and one which bothers many people is losing their hair.We have 21st century solutions for thinning hair.

Oh sure, some people just shrug their shoulders and carry on, but for others, hair loss can have varying effects from worrying to devastating. The latter can be especially true in the case of women.

But fortunately, today we are in the 21st century and we can do things today that we couldn’t do even 50 years ago. Even the first hair transplant was only carried out in 1952, but today we even have a robot that can transplant hair for you!

However, that may not be necessary in many cases, because there are other treatments that are possible as well, one of which is PRP for hair loss.


Created From The Patient’s Own Blood (!)

Platelet-Rich Plasma. It is made using a sample of the patient’s own blood, so in that sense it is a natural remedy, and it is an exciting new development. It has been used for some years in the treatment of tendon injuries and osteoarthritis, but only recently has it been discovered that you can use PRP for hair loss as well.

As we said, PRP is created from the patient’s blood which is inserted into a centrifuge which spins round very fast and separates out the solid portions of the blood – the platelets – from the liquid. The solid parts will contain between three and five times as many platelets as the blood in the body. Platelets are the parts of the blood which begin the process of coagulation if you suffer from a wound.

This PRP is then injected into the areas of thinning hair on the scalp, and what it seems to do is to help thin miniature hairs in the area grow into full thick terminal hairs. As we said, PRP for hair loss is a new development in hair restoration, but it is producing some exciting results that we have seen at Silicon Valley Hair Institute.

Our director, Dr Miguel Canales, has been at the forefront of hair restoration for many years, among other things as the director of Restoration Robotics Inc., when he led the team that invented the ARTAS robot for hair transplantation. This new development is producing some great results, and it is by no means available everywhere in the Bay Area.

So, if you would like to learn more, make an appointment with Dr Canales for a free consultation.