Fixing the ‘Embarassment’ of Female Hair Loss Might Mean PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

Women can have a number of unique issues about their hair. A lot of them are about what style to wear – long, short, curled, straight, pony-tail, bun, and a whole lot more different designs - whereas men tend to choose one of a very few styles. (more…)

SVHI PRP Therapy Announces New Services for San Mateo Locals Searching for PRP for Hair Loss Options on the Peninsula

San Mateo, California - February 28, 2020. SHVI PRP Therapy, a Bay Area clinic focused on treatments for PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) hair loss therapy at, is proud to announce new services for San Mateo and the surrounding community. (more…)

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) For Hair Loss For Bay Area Patients

The internet is full of “buzz words” some of which are real, while some are not so much. One of the “buzz words” surrounding the subject of hair loss is PRP for hair loss. This can be beneficial for some patients and some conditions, but not for others. So what is PRP therapy all about? (more…)

SVHI PRP Therapy Announces New Post on Questions and Answers on PRP for Hair for San Mateo, Palo Alto, and Foster City Patients

January 20, 2020 - San Mateo, California. SHVI PRP Therapy, the leader in innovative hair loss treatments based on PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) at, is proud to announce an innovative question-and-answer document on its website. (more…)